Showcase Your Product Collection With Video to Store Campaigns

video to store campaigns

Exciting news for advertisers! Sponsored Brands video creatives have leaped forward, now offering video to store campaigns with Brand Store as the landing page to showcase a product collection in the ad creative. Clicking on individual products directs audiences to respective detail pages, while interaction with other ad elements leads them to explore the complete brand offering in the Brand Store. 


This enhancement empowers advertisers with a dynamic tool for rich storytelling through video, catering to diverse marketing strategy needs. 


Whether you’re on managed service, self-service, a vendor, a registered seller, or an author, get ready to revolutionize your advertising approach.

What’s Launched?

Now, with Sponsored Brands video creatives, advertisers can choose their Brand Store as the main page for video to store campaigns. This means they can showcase lots of products in their ads. When viewers click on a product, they go to its details page. If they click on anything else in the ad, they go to the Brand Store to see everything the brand offers.


It’s like a new way of advertising that lets people explore and interact more. Instead of just watching, they can click on products they like and learn more. This makes ads more interesting and helps brands share their story better. Advertisers can now use videos to not just show products but also create a whole experience for viewers, making advertising more fun and engaging!

Understanding the Significance of Sponsored Brands Video to Stores

This new Sponsored Brands video to Stores feature is a big deal for advertisers, and here’s why: It lets them tell compelling stories through their ads. Imagine the power of videos, but with a twist – now, advertisers can showcase not just one but multiple products in a single ad. It’s like a storytelling magic trick that makes ads more interesting and engaging.


But there’s more to it. This enhancement is like a tool in the hands of advertisers. It helps them pick the kind of ad that fits perfectly with their marketing plan. So, it’s not just about showing products randomly; it’s about picking the right creative approach that aligns perfectly with what the brand wants to achieve. In a nutshell, it’s a game-changer for advertisers looking to make their mark in the advertising world by combining the storytelling power of videos with a strategic approach to showcasing their products.


Navigating Markets: Where It's Accessible

The list highlights the global reach of the Sponsored Brands Video to Stores feature, indicating the specific countries within each major region where this advertising enhancement is accessible. Let’s break it down:

North America 

  • United States: Advertisers in the U.S. can leverage Sponsored Brands Video to Stores to enhance their campaigns, reaching a vast and diverse audience.
  • Canada: Canadian advertisers also have the advantage of utilizing this feature to showcase their product collections through compelling video creatives.
  • Mexico: The Sponsored Brands Video to Stores feature extends its reach to Mexico, allowing advertisers in this region to create engaging and interactive ad experiences. 

South America 

  • Brazil: In South America, particularly in Brazil, advertisers can tap into the power of Sponsored Brands Video to Stores for effective storytelling and showcasing diverse product collections.


  • Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Turkey: Advertisers across multiple European countries, including Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, and Turkey, can utilize this feature. This diverse presence covers a broad spectrum of markets, providing advertisers with the opportunity to tailor their video to store campaigns to specific audiences in each country.

Middle East 

  • Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt: The Middle East is also part of the Sponsored Brands Video to Stores landscape, enabling advertisers in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt to incorporate this feature into their advertising strategies.

Asia Pacific

  • Australia, India, Japan, Singapore: Advertisers in the Asia Pacific region, spanning Australia, India, Japan, and Singapore, can take advantage of Sponsored Brands Video to Stores to engage with their target audience through dynamic and visually appealing video to store campaigns.


Who Can Use It?

Managed Service 


This category typically includes businesses or advertisers who opt for a managed service approach. In this scenario, a dedicated team or service provider manages and executes the advertising strategy on behalf of the advertiser. With Sponsored Brands Video to Stores, those utilizing managed services gain access to a powerful tool for creating engaging video to store campaigns, showcasing product collections, and aligning with strategic marketing goals.




Advertisers who prefer a hands-on approach to managing their advertising campaigns fall under the self-service category. With Sponsored Brands Video to Stores, self-service users have the autonomy to create, optimize, and monitor their video to store campaigns independently. This flexibility empowers businesses of varying sizes to incorporate dynamic video content into their advertising efforts, reaching their target audience effectively.




Vendors, often entities providing specific products or services, can benefit significantly from Sponsored Brands Video to Stores. This feature allows vendors to present their offerings in a visually compelling manner, utilizing the storytelling capabilities of video to enhance their brand presence and attract potential customers. Vendors can use this tool strategically to align with their overall marketing objectives and stand out in a competitive marketplace.




Authors, who may be individuals or entities creating and promoting written content on Amazon, can also benefit from Sponsored Brands Video to Stores. This feature provides authors with a visually captivating medium to showcase their work. Whether it’s promoting books, articles, or literary offerings, authors can use video to store campaigns to tell compelling stories and engage their audience more dynamically and memorably.


Registered Sellers


The category of registered sellers encompasses individuals or businesses that have officially registered as sellers on Amazon. Sponsored Brands Video to Stores offers registered sellers a unique avenue to elevate their product visibility. By featuring their product collections in video creatives, registered sellers can engage potential buyers in a more immersive way, potentially leading to increased sales and brand recognition.


Where Do I Access It?

Below are the specific platforms where users can tap into the Sponsored Brands Video to Stores feature.

Amazon Ads Console 


Advertisers can seamlessly access the Sponsored Brands Video to Stores feature through the Amazon Ads Console. This user-friendly interface is the central hub for managing and optimizing advertising campaigns on Amazon. Within the console, users can navigate to the relevant sections to create and launch video to store campaigns, specifically choosing the Brand Store as the landing page to showcase product collections. The Amazon Ads Console provides a streamlined experience, allowing advertisers to efficiently integrate this innovative feature into their overall advertising strategy.


Amazon Ads API


For users who prefer a more programmatic and automated approach to managing their advertising efforts, the Sponsored Brands Video to Stores feature is also accessible through the Amazon Ads API. The API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers and advertisers to integrate Amazon advertising functionalities into their systems, applications, or tools. This means advertisers can programmatically incorporate Sponsored Brands Video to Stores into their campaigns, providing a level of flexibility and customization to suit their specific needs and workflows.


Conclusion: Showcase Your Product Collection With Video to Store Campaigns


Introducing Sponsored Brands Video to Stores is a big deal for advertisers. It lets them use cool videos to show off their products in a more interesting way. This feature is not just in one place; it’s available in lots of regions like North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific. And guess what? It’s not just for big advertisers – whether you like doing things yourself or have a team managing it, this feature is for you. You can find it easily on Amazon Ads Console or use a smart tool called Amazon Ads API. So, for advertisers looking to make their ads more exciting and reach people all around, Sponsored Brands Video to Stores is the way to go! 


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